Friday, January 18, 2008

I've always liked conflict. In some ways, I thrive with conflict all around me. My best work is due to conflicts! But conflict, when in the midst of it, pretty much sucks.

Conflict of the Day:
Walk into work. Work turned upside down. Not enough of one thing, too much of the unimportant things. They say that 90% of teaching is improvisation. I improv. Improv is successful. I sigh. End scene...


aphron said...

I'm always impressed by those that thrive in conflict. It seems to me that so many times the conflict is over small, silly things. The energy needed for the these conflicts is enormous and wasted.

I'm glad it worked out for you.

Pretty Hyperbole said...

The conflicts for me aren't "fights," but are more like major hurdles. I'm the kind of person who needs things being constantly shaken and stirred... Ya know?